System Weakness
Published in
3 min readDec 18, 2022


(Fuzz Faster U Fool) is a command-line tool for performing web fuzzing (a type of testing that involves injecting random data into web applications to see how they respond). It is designed to be fast and flexible, with a number of options that allow users to customize their fuzzing tests.

One of the key features of FFUF is its ability to generate random payloads. Users can specify the length and character set of the payloads, as well as whether or not to include certain characters (such as slashes or spaces). This allows users to tailor their payloads to the specific needs of their target application.

FFUF also has a number of options for specifying the target of the fuzzing test. Users can specify a URL or list of URLs to test, as well as the HTTP method (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to use. FFUF also supports the use of HTTP headers and cookies, allowing users to authenticate to a target application or mimic specific client behavior.

Another useful feature of FFUF is its ability to detect and report on various types of responses from the target application. Users can specify the status codes or response sizes that they want to look for, as well as regex patterns to match in the response body. This can be useful for identifying vulnerabilities or other issues in the target application.

Here is an example of how FFUF could be used to perform a simple directory listing fuzzing test on a target web application:

$ ffuf -w wordlist.txt -u http://example.com/FUZZ -mc 200

This command would use the wordlist specified in wordlist.txt as the payloads to test, send the payloads to the URL http://example.com/FUZZ, and only report on responses with a status code of 200 (indicating a successful request).

FFUF also has a number of other options that can be used to fine-tune the behavior of the fuzzing test. For example, users can specify the number of threads to use, the rate at which requests should be sent, and the timeout for each request.

FFUF is a tool that can be used to perform brute force attacks on web applications, including brute forcing usernames and passwords. To use FFUF for username and password brute forcing, you will need to have a list of potential usernames and passwords that you want to try.

Here is an example of how you might use FFUF to perform a brute force attack on a web application:

you will need to create a list of potential usernames and passwords that you want to try. You can do this by creating a text file with one username and password per line, separated by a colon (e.g. "username:password").

Once you have your list of usernames and passwords, you can use FFUF to perform the brute force attack. To do this, you will need to use the following command:

$ ffuf -u http://example.com/login -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "username=FUZZ&password=FUZZ" -w list.txt -t 50

In this example, "http://example.com/login" is the URL of the login page that you are trying to brute force, "list.txt" is the file containing your list of usernames and passwords, and "-t 50" specifies the number of threads to use (in this case, 50).

FFUF will then try each username and password combination in the list, until it finds a combination that successfully logs into the web application.

It's important to note that enumerating subdomains can be considered a type of security testing, and as such, it is important to obtain permission from the owner of the domain before attempting to enumerate subdomains. Additionally, it is important to follow all relevant laws and ethical guidelines when conducting any type of security testing.

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